Snailing Along
Trapped In Love's Magic Spell book 1 is snailing along at a total of 16 copies sold. Thank you all who have bought my novel; it really means a great deal to me. The reviews that I have gotten back from people is LOVE the book and most want book 2 already. (YEAH book 1). R.A. . sent text of book great, fantastic, fabulous! loved it. R.R.B. emails are read twice, loved it and looking forward to book 2 (on several emails). On face book R.S. commented LOVE book. So it is a good story. I keep bringing it up on face book and telling people about it where ever I can: been to Rochester Library twice now. I put a post card on Calef's country store bulletin board and gave business card to clerk. I even got (probably a little stupid) brave and sent post cards to radio stations (The Bay and Shark) and tv stations (WMUR 9 and WGME 13) I listen to and watch. Nothing fancy or asking for interviews or anything just: I listen or watch your station, live in Rochester NH. This is my first novel I got printed and reviews are all LOVE it. Was wondering if someone at your station would like to read it. That was it so will see what comes of it.